Saturday, February 17, 2007

Talkin' 'Bout My Genre-ration

Everyone loves to laugh, but nobody likes to learn.

(Out of textbooks that is...)

So, it would be a wonderful invention if someone could come up with a TV genre which would meld educational and comedic television elements together...

As a disclaimer - this show would be similar to something Steven Colbert might take part in if her were trying to educate the masses...

The producers would be happy, because this show would be relatively inexpensive. Sets will not be created. The host will narrate on site (i.e. museum, battlefield, etc.), and stock footage will be used, as well.

As to the formal patterns that will be used, the topic will be presented to the audience by a single narrator, who will guide the audience through the topic as it develops chronologically. Interviews will be used as deemed necessary, and stock footage and images will be used to convey ideas or events which cannot be explained in the present time. Dry and sometimes inappropriate humor will be used to liven up topics. The narrator will perform all of this under the guise that he or she really cares that the topic be presented accurately to the audience.

The fans will most likely have an affinity for dry comedy such as The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and The Office. They will be slightly nerdy, however, because they like to learn about new things.

PBS meets Comedy Central, and what do you get?


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